
Average Daily Turnover by Currency Pair

Currency Pairs

Dollar bloc: USD/CAD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD
Major crosses: EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF

Currency Codes

  • USD = US Dollar
    EUR = Euro
    JPY = Japanese Yen
    GBP = British Pound
    CHF = Swiss Franc
    CAD = Canadian Dollar
    AUD = Australian Dollar
    NZD = New Zealand Dollar


The US dollar is involved in over 80% of all foreign exchange transactions, equivalent to over US$2.7 trillion per day

Technical Analysis

Commonly used technical indicators:
Moving averages
Fibonacci retracements
Bollinger bands
Pivot point
Elliott Wave

Major Markets

  • The US & UK markets account for just over 50% of turnover
    Major markets: London, New York, Tokyo
    Trading activity is heaviest when major markets overlap5
    Nearly two-thirds of NY activity occurs in the morning hours while European markets are open6
    5. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve6. The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States - NY Federal Reserve
    Average Daily Turnover by Geographic Location


Largest financial market in the world
$3.2 trillion average daily turnover, equivalent to:
More than 10 times the average daily turnover of global equity markets1
More than 35 times the average daily turnover of the NYSE2
Nearly $500 a day for every man, woman, and child on earth3
An annual turnover more than 10 times world GDP4
The spot market accounts for just under one-third of daily turnover
1. About $280 billion - World Federation of Exchanges aggregate 2006 2. About $87 billion - World Federation of Exchanges 2006 3. Based on world population of 6.6 billion - US Census Bureau 4. About $48 trillion - World Bank 2006.